
Thursday, April 17, 2008

7 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Article

Article writing has become, in the last few years one of the most effective ways to get qualified visitors to your web site. The article though, must be able to grab the readers attention and be informative enough to leave the reader with a feeling of having learned something. There Kentucky Lemon Laws 7 mistakes that you can make which will actually kill your article. Along with Arkansas Lemon Laws grabbing the readers attention and not being informative, spelling and grammar mistakes, the use of keywords, Plagiarizing, self promotion, and miss use of the resource box will all kill an article. In this article I will explain these mistakes in some detail and ways to avoid them.

First of all you need a title that will grab the readers attention. You want the reader to want to read through your article. Most people are so busy these days that they just skim through to see if there is anything worth reading. Nice Star Wars titles that start with for example "The 5 Reasons You Should...", "10 Ways To Improve Your...". You get the idea. Once You get them interested with the title, you then want to give them some informative content. something they can take away from the article.

Secondly, the content of your article must have something of value for the reader to stay interested. The content must be informative and educational, give the reader something they didn't know before they read the article. You do not have to be an expert just, Know what you are writing about and do not make the topic to broad, the reader will lose interest quickly. You should also include some well placed key words in your content.

The third mistake is the miss use of key words. You want to use a key word density of 1-3%. You do not want to saturate your article with key words. Search engines will not frown Tigerbalm you if you stay with in the 1-3 % density. It is when you go well beyond the 1-3% that the search engines start to see your article as being auto written. You don't want to have them give you a bad reputation so it's wise to stay within the percentages.

The fourth mistake is a self promoting article. An article that is full of hype and self promotion is transparent and a big turn off to experienced marketers. Those types of articles never get read and surely never get downloaded to other peoples sites, newsletters and e-zines. Self promoting should be left for your personal website or your ads. Stay away from self promoting in your articles. Any kind of promoting of your site or product should be in your resource box.

The fifth mistake is plagiarizing, using someone else's original article as your own. In writing articles original content is the best way to go. If you do not know too much about the subject you want to write about than do some Teessgzkyem and take notes. From your notes you can format your article and expand from there. If you like someone's article that you see in a directory you can use it as long as you include the resource box at the end of the article and keep in tact. You must give the original author credit when ever you use their articles.

Number six naturally is resource boxes. These must be used wisely. Do not put too much in this box. This is where you let the reader know who you are, what you do, and where your website is located. You do not want to get to crazy with this because too much can turn a person off. And the whole point of the article is to get the reader interested in who you are so that they can go to your resource box and click on the link to your website. Make sure though that your spelling is correct. You do not want to go through all the trouble of writing a good article and than misspell your website address.

The seventh and probably the most important mistake that is made is that article writers do not use that handy little button on their tool bar that says "SPELL CHECK". It does not matter how good you are at writing. You should always use the spell checker. A Well written article with no spelling or grammar mistakes will show the readers that you are a professional and you care about the product that you put out. After all an article that you write is a product that you put out.

Articles are fun to write and they do bring quality visitors to your website if they are done correctly. Making sure that you do not commit any of these seven mistakes will insure that you write a good quality article that people will want to read. Have fun and may your article writing be a success.

Frank is a very successful Internet Marketer with various Affiliate programs. He makes a living helping people start their Internet Marketing careers, and shows them how to become successful as well. Visit Franks website at :http://www.Home-Biz-For-You.Com">http://www.Home-Biz-For-You.Com You can Pick up Franks Free Home Business Newsletter at:">Free Newsletter

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