
Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Genius of John Davin

Anybody who rides a commuter train or a bus today, or who visits an airport, can easily see the impact of office technologies on the current workforce. persons are wired to go. There are the ones wearing the headset sendmethecard the wide band at the base of the skull, removed consolidating student loan hearing you by huge round earphones. There are the ones smartly attired with the "Blue as wellth" gracefully curving along the cheekbone into the ear. There are those who sit fixated, rapidly weaving their thumbs across the dashboard of the Blackberry style home refinancing information Digital helpant. Others are using laptops in a variety of sizes with a variety of screens. Some are entertaining themselves, watching contemporary films on tiny screens or aggressively playing machineized games. Some are hypnotized by the Excel spreadsheets with which they are working as they hunch over laptops like ancient gnomes. Still others are tapping away at text, giving and receiving instructions or creating documents that may be read a half a world away.

that asp net web hosting not your grandfathers office. If your grandfather had an office.

No. that is the world of connectivity---the world where workers can be questioned in the shower; can talk to their home office as they raft down the Colorado River; can order supplies from Chicago for delivery to their remote location in Australia; can purchase Canadian wines for their restaurant in Brazil, next day delivery.

But how efficient is all that stuff anyway? The answer my friend, may depend upon on if or not you have ever met John Davin.

For many years John Davin owned and operated a retail machine store. He got to see all the new office toys as they were produced and as they evolved. Because of the knowledge base he developed, and because of his genuine interest in his clients, Davin realized they had common needs. Among them was competing effectively by using new cost-effective marketing approaches made possible by the changing technologies.

Today, John Davin is the author of six books in the computing industry; is a much in-demand guest speaker; is an effective seminar presenter; and finds a multitude of other ways to share his twenty plus years of on-line investment and technology research and consulting.

In addition to being proficient and professional, John Davin is also generous. His internet notes that, If you truly want to start a investment or need investment assist with your school or church and cannot afford his book, hell get it to you at no charge, if you contact discount meridia in advance.

Davin created a investment Check List that is effective for both new and experienced investment owners. that single list has helped many thousands of entrepreneurs capitalize on the Internet and utilize their office technologies to make money, generate more leisure hours, and attain optimal earning from production. He also helps investment students comprehend the depth, scope and power of the Internet for investment use.

The route to great wealth, independence and a secure retirement can often be found by starting your own investment. But starting your own investment is just the beginning; building it up can be frustrating, maddening and frequently defeating. The Internet is alight with such promise, mortgage quote on line for sole practitioners, that promise can be highly elusive. The genius of John Davin is that he combines entrepreneurship with current technologies in the most accessible manner. Davin doesnt use the word "Dummy" in the title of anything he does, but he makes understanding the power of the Internet available to entrepreneurs if they are high school drop outs with a great idea, or PhDs who are all thumbs except for their area of expertise

Just enter John Davins name on Google, and see if his genius applies to you.

Simone Nathan is the author of Going for Gold After 50: An Illustrated Guide to High Probability Investing for The Plus Years.


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