
Saturday, May 17, 2008

How to Remove Skin Tags

How to remove skin tags? that is a question many folks are trying to find an answer. Skin tags are ugly and can become a great irritant especially when they start appearing on obvious parts of our bodies such as our arms, faces and places where there is skin friction with our clothing. Worse still, for some people, they pop up continuously to alarming numbers. Going to the dermatologist can be rather expensive as he or she may need to carry out minor procedures to get rid of those skin tags. But did you know that there are home remedies to remove skin tags?

Here are a few different methods you can apply impotence home to remove skin tags. Finally, you can get rid of these irritating and unattractive skin tags without paying expensive medical bills. One thing I have to caution you before you start removing skin tags is to ensure that it is a skin tag you are removing and not something else.

How do you identify it as a skin tag then?

It is a soft skin growth that does not growth huge overnight and is generally smaller than 1.3cm in size. As for appearance wise, take note that it is actually excess skin and can be flat or rounded and attached to the rest of the skin by a thinner stalk called a penducle. Normally, its colour is the same as the surrounding skin or has a slight darker pigmentation. Once you are sure it is a skin tag, you may then proceed to remove skin tags.

Method 1 to Remove Skin Tags Using a Dental Floss or Thread

that method involves using a couple of things like dental floss or csr insurance a pair of scissors or nail clippers and peroxide or consolidate college loans medication. What you do is tie up the skin tag at the stalk base with the dental floss or thread, and then snip off the skin tag with the pair of scissors or nail clippers. Make sure these tools are sharp and washed cleaned and sterilized with debt consolidation loan student if possible.

Once the skin tag is removed, apply peroxide or antibacterial medication on the small open wound. that method is simple and not very painful most of the time. You will feel a sting when you are cutting the skin tag off. You will also realize that it is effective as the likelihood of the skin tag reappearing at the same spot is slim.

Method 2 to Remove Skin Tags Dry up the Skin Tags with Castor Oil and Baking Soda

The second method is a less painful method and results can be seen pretty fast. What you need is some baking soda and castor oil. With these two ingredients, prepare a concoction by mixing the two together Lamotrigine until they form a gooey paste. Apply at least 3 times every day on the skin tags. The skin tags would dry up and die off in around 2 weeks.

These are two simple methods to remove skin tags. If you are keen to learn more skin tag removal methods, read up on my skin tag blog.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Find out more about effective and natural skintagremoval.blogspot.comskin tag removal methods that you can apply from home at his blog


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